This is a Crosspost from AC4H about The BLM and the $10 Wild Horses! Written by Angie Meade
Bureau of Land Management has Campaign to Eradicate Wild Horses
February 27, 2006
Dear Equine Friends:
The Bureau of Land Management continues the campaign to rid this country of
its equine treasures. A recent press release by the National Cattlemen's
Beef Association (NCBA) touts an agreement with the BLM and Public Lands
Council (PLC) in which cattle ranchers currently holding federal grazing
permits will be allowed to buy an unlimited number of wild horses for as
little at $10 each. The BLM will be handing over thousands of wild horses
to the individuals fighting to keep horse slaughter alive!
This may be the final blow to the future of the wild horses throughout our
western public lands. The people need stand up and demand change!
This latest endeavor, is the worst period suffered by wild horses since the
enactment of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act in 1971- The 1971
Act was implemented specifically to protect wild horses from wholesale
extermination efforts by the BLM and ranchers grazing their private
livestock on public lands. In an effort to grab total control over public
lands, the BLM and ranchers orchestrated massive round-ups of wild horses
who were subsequently sent to slaughter. Sadly, the BLM was given the job
of protecting the very animals they had worked so hard to remove for so many
Today, the same parties are again working to remove wild horses from our
public lands. Unless action is taken immediately, the fate of these
majestic wild horses will be the same as it was in 1971 slaughter. To
make matters worse, not only are wild horses being removed from public
lands to placate the demands of ranchers, but according to a recent study by
the Government Accounting Office, public lands grazing by these same
ranchers are costing tax payers over $300 million each year. Amazingly,
less than 3 percent of all beef produced in the United States comes from
public lands hardly justification for such an enormous taxpayer
contribution and one that is sealing the fate of our nation¹s wild herds.
What you can do:
The only thing that saved wild horses from extinction back in the 70's was
public outrage and demand for action. We must again demand the protection
of wild horses before it is too late. Please contact these individuals to
stop this disaster from happening!
1) The Honorable Gale A. Norton
Secretary of the Interior
US Department of the Interior
1849 C Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20240
2) Director Kathleen Clarke
Bureau of Land Management
US Department of the Interior
1849 C Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20240
3) Please write your Senators and Representative, urging them to swiftly
enact the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act! (H.R. 503/S. 1915). By
banning horse slaughter, BLM won't be able to dump wild horses, ranchers
will not have an incentive to buy them and they will not be sent to
To find your member of Congress click here:
Thank you very much for your help!
Thank Again,
Angie Meade
Press, Media & Publicity Manager
American Horse Defense Fund