Wednesday, June 1, 2005

No Words Really

 Last night I finally looked at video of horses at slaughter. Everything that the slaughter industry says is a lie. I watched as a worker repeatedly shocked a horse to get it in the right position to bolt the horse in the head. He used his bolt gun on the mares neck, shoulder and waved his arms at the panicked animal so she would lift her head and make his job easier. Spokesmen for all three slaughter houses continue to insist that each horse recieves one shock to the skull.....LIE!

I also recently read a quote from a spokesman for the slaughter house that murdered the wild horses. He was quoted as saying that the horse slaughter industry does not want the wild horses for they are not viable meat for human consumption. Again a lie, if this was so the horse dealer would not have been able to sell the wild horses for meat.

A few weeks ago I went to the Cavel website. They only advertise that their meat is used for zoos and private exotic animal owners, again BOLDFACE LIE!!

The Horse Killers will continue to lie to the American public and our government will go along with it for the sake of the all mighty dollar. Proof once again that the horses continue to suffer and die to make this country a better place for us. Only this time it is needless and savage. I am ashamed to call myself part of humanity as long as these type of digusting practices are continued.

It seems to me that the most vulnerable victims are always ignored, whether it is children being abused or animals, we all say how horrifed we are then continue on with our lives. Well I don't want to be guilty if that anymore. I will continue to my letter writing and I will continue to be vocal and speak the real truth.

Even if you are not sure you want to get invloved directly I urge everyone to at least write one letter to your Senator and please check out the rescues that I have links to. Even a $5 donation helps. A dose of dewormer cost on average $8 - $10 and a bale of hay can be as cheap as $2.50, depending on what part the country you are in. Here in Florida a bale of good safe hay costs between $8 to $12.


Anonymous said...

I am one person who agrees with you. I only wish I can be involved with the rescue of some of the wonderful horses out their. I don't have a farm but live in the sub. I did rescue a horse and he turned out to be just great.

I did write my congressman. Just hope he listenes.

Anonymous said...

Well said my friend! People need to be educated and one look at one of those videos says it all. Some people, like some of my own horsey-family and friends, refuse to look or to even educate themselves on the issue; they are like the ostritch, burying their heads in the sand. I have always said, (a favorite saying of my dear old dad) "IF YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THE SOLUTION, ...YOU ARE A PART OF THE PROBLEM!". As in all else, it is true here also. Anyone who claims to be a "true" animal lover should speak up on the dispicible practice of horse slaughter! Its just plain WRONG and benefits no one except foreign capitalists who are making themselves rich at the expense of the suffering animals. FOR SHAME lets BAN this cruel and morally wrong practice at any location, but espically here at home.  

Anonymous said...

Could you give me the web site for Cavels?  I have a few words for Mr. Jim Tucker..  I did not know they had the audacity to have a web site!!!Marie Kennedy

Anonymous said...

Look back on our struggle for freedom,
Trace our presend day's strength to it's source;
And you'll find that man's pathway to glory
Is strewn with the bones of the horse.

Anonymous said...

June Promotions has recently seen a huge increase in horse people wanting website and business cards so we have added these services to offer to our members. We are also offering 50% off all ads place in the month of June to celebrate us reaching 500+ registered members. It is free to register so join now:

We also offer free rescue horse or stollen horse listings. Please post for free after reading "How to Post".

Thank you,