Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Missouri Horse Trailer Accident

Missouri Accident Uncovers Truth About Horse Slaughter
By Laura Boothby

September 28, 2006
41 horses and one mule became 42 martyrs in the national fight against horse slaughter for human consumption in the early hours of September 27, 2006.
I looked for a way to convey their story to unknown masses that have no idea of the struggle of American horses and the people who work everyday to make this country safer for them. These noble creatures who give everything to their human care givers without question. Then I had a thought instead of going with the emotional response, I thought I would address the facts and lies that were reported in many of the reports that were posted at news outlets across the Midwest.
The statement that the horses involved in the accident were "old" horses is false. The horses in the accident ranged in ages from 7 months old to 26 years old. Horses can live well into their thirties and at 7 months they haven't even been given a chance.
I can only assume that the term "old" was thrown at the reporter by Cavel and the truck driver. This of course was false and must be emphasized that the majority of horses that go to slaughter are healthy animals and are in good body condition. In published slaughter house records it is documented that horses in good/healthy condition get top dollar.
Next I would like to address Cavel manager Jim Tucker's statement that reads as follows:
"Treating these animals humanely not only happens to be the right thing to do, but it's in our best business interest to see that the horses are treated well during their transportation to our facility," Cavel General Manager Jim Tucker said.
"Stressed horses result in an inferior product, and injured horses must be turned away," he said.*
Anyone who has campaigned to end the inhumane slaughter of horses knows that the above statement is simply a lie! Evidence has shown that many horses that are injured are indeed accepted for slaughter.
Just last month 19 horses bruised, battered and bloody were processed at a Texas slaughter plant. The man transporting the horses has been charged with 5 counts of animal abuse. Over the years former employees from Cavel have come forward and spoken about the horrors the horses go through before they are strung up and bled.
Each slaughter plant insists they cannot control what a single transporter will do yet they continue to do business with the same kill buyers repeatedly. They can control who they do business with yet they continue to turn their backs to the suffering of all equine during transport.
A spokesman for Cavel said the horse trader, not the processing facility, arranges for the
transportation and chooses the driver.
Cavel also said that it was disappointed the driver had allegedly been in violation of USDA
transportation regulations
The horse shown in the picture has an injury to his head, yet he stands in line at the slaughter house.
Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet.
These statements are part of a long list of statements made by Jim Tucker, in a desperate attempt to quiet public outcry .
In 2005 when Cavel bought and slaughtered several wild mustangs he insisted that his plant did not want to buy wild horse meat.
Quoting an article written by Samantha Young in May 2005:
"We've told our buyers, 'Don't bring BLM wild horses to us,' " plant
manager James Tucker said, adding that wild horses generally do not
yield good meat

Representatives for Beltex Corp. of Fort Worth, Texas, and Dallas Crown
of Kaufman, Texas, said BLM officials had yet to contact them.

"We'renot interested in those horses anyway," said Jim Bradshaw,
counsel for Dallas Crown.++
Yet in another article from the same time period (April 22, 2005) this is what Jim Tucker had to say on the slaughter of wild mustangs:
**Cavel General Manager Jim Tucker said the slaughterhouse has legally purchased wild horses from sellers who have the appropriate certification from the BLM.
"BLM allows horses to be adopted and held for a certain amount of time and allows them to be slaughtered," he said.

He confirmed that within the last week, Cavel purchased and slaughtered some horses from a seller who had gotten them through the BLM. He declined to say how many horses were purchased or from whom they were purchased, saying that such information is "proprietary."
He also said it wasn't the first time the slaughterhouse has processed wild horses.**

The horse slaughter industry has made an art out of contradiction. Take for instance the use of the words humane euthanasia.
Euthanasia is the practice of killing in a painless or minimally painful way for merciful reasons, usually to end suffering.
In a statement released Wednesday, Cavel confirmed the horses were bound
for the slaughterhouse, where they would have been euthanized under the
supervision of federal inspectors and USDA veterinarians, but the horses did
belong to the horse trader who bought them until they reach the plant
Slaughter plants continue to use this word of mercy knowing full well that the majority of this country believe in humane euthanasia for our animal companions. It is a gross and negligent use of this word. There is nothing about horse slaughter that is humane.
From the beginning to the end horses, ponies, mules, and donkeys sent to slaughter are thrown into an inhumane situation. Beginning at auction houses across this country where disease and injury are regular occurrences. Only to be hauled for days on end without rest, food or water to one of the three operating slaughter plants.
The ending of the journey is the harshest reality. Horses are sent down to slaughter one by one. Forced through fencing and gates by men screaming and whipping them. They can hear other horses screaming in terror and thrashing in the "kill box". They can smell the blood and sweat of the horses that have been strung up before them. The horse next in line can see what is happening and they know what is coming. They struggle and fight for their lives. Blasted again and again with the captive bolt gun, in the shoulder, in the neck, on their smooth noses.....
Is this a humane end to a life of service or for a life that never even had a chance to begin? I say No.
You can find updates and more info on the web site of the organization caring for the survivors at

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Update From Rt on Emaciated Mare

Entry for September 29, 2006


Well, that is what I decided to name here. I was layin in the isle of 
the barn on a cot and was thinking of my gramma Madeline White Owl 
and it hit me to call her Maddie. I think in some way gramma was in 
there with me in that barn. So Maddie it is..

I. bare with me, am about to burst into tears again. Gawd its been 
hard to stay collected all evening. First off I had the local humane 
officer come out and see her himself, legal issues aside as right now 
until I get wild hair up my arse that can sit till I get her health 
under control. Then I can go on a hunt...:D *cheezy grin* He has seen 
her and from look on his face that told me more than a 2 hour 
conversation could. So this way if someone calls about her then they 
know exactly what is going on. He said he would tell them if they do 
call "keep on driving or stop and volunteer or make a donation, 
click". He took a tour of the place and saw all the animals that we 
have here and commented on what good shape they are in, saw the 
babies and was glad that we are here and would 'highly recommend' us 
to anyone. So he will try to get the word out that we need help too. 
They are mostly small animal place.

This am Janet came over and helped me rake the pasture and clean up 
some around the barn area. I had called the vet early this am, Doc 
Haury was out of town but Doc McFarland was waiting on a horse that 
they might have to rush to emergency surgery for colic. They wound up 
taking the horse in and she didn't make it out till this afternoon. 
By then I felt like I had done ten rounds with a bull in a 10x10 pen. 
# hours sleep does nothing for trying to deal with all the things you 
have to esp emotional ones. With all the little things in between 
done I decided while waiting on Doc that I'd pull out the cot that I 
had and lay on it in the isle of the barn. Nice time to grab 30 min 
cat nap? I laid by her stall and she was looking through the rails at 
me. She walked two circles and laid down too right by the wall. I got 
up and went into her stall and sat down by her head and she flopped 
over and laid her head in my lap. I sat there looking at her eyes 
through her fly mask. I almost panic'd as I thought perhaps this was 
it..She was saying its time to go. Then as I watched her I saw this 
look like--sigh, I'm home...She just lay there content. She would 
raise up and sit a minute then poof lay back down with her head in my 
lap while I leaned on the wall dozing off and on..That is when I lost 
it..The tears all evening are hard to stop. That look and that sigh 
of contentment...

Anyway before I turn into sobbing mess and Viet has to pick me up off 
the floor. She is about 20 years old. Has hardly any teeth left and 
the ones she does have edges on them so Doc Haury will have to do 
them when she is on better track. For now its mash and she does eat 
hay pretty well. She has hard time going bathroom since the things it 
comes out of are so sunken in...I feel bad for her...I had the stall 
door open with the vet here and she wandered up the isle in her fly 
sheet stopped at the stall I keep hay in got a bite, then wandered 
through the feed room, then out the side door into the pen, then back 
in feed room and tried to go in my office following the vet to her 
truck...LOL. I had to stop her. We gave her B Complex IV, B12 shot 
and anabolic? steroid shot. I had her pull a CBC and do fecal. I'll 
get those tests on Monday unless she has them tomorrow.

Anyway I will get to everyones mails tomorrow and answer more things 
about Maddie when I've had some sleep. Its going on midnight now and 
Im ready to hit the floor..

Nite all


Viet is going to help me take more pics tomorrow with better body shots

Friday, September 29, 2006

Urgent Help Requested!

This Urgent plea went out today. If anyone can help Please! Please do!!! If you can help RT and Viet help this mare, I know it will be greatly appreciated!

Well, I've done it again..... Decided to go to the auction house last night. Kat wanted to sell some of her chickens and I was hesitant about taking the trailer but opted to in the end. Guess the Creator knows better than I do and was pulling me there even when I didn't want to go and CSI Vegas was on (my fav)...I decided to head out.

Walking in the large animal area I was done even before I got to the second stall. My feet were guided to the other end like walking a path they were meant to go. Passing several along the way not really bothering to pay any attention. I got to the end stall and there she was...

*Huge sigh*  I can barely write this without crying. Whew.. There she stood as if waiting on me. My heart was in my throat and I was fuming with anger at the same time. My first reaction was either to hug her or find the *sob* that did that and give him the beating he deserved behind the barn. I asked Kat out loud in front of the others standing around "you got bail money?" She said "Yep, and its been a long time since you've beat someone's azz". Sighs...SO I walked it off and came back. I knew from the look on her face and how I felt that this girl was coming home. I don't know who was bidding against me as I couldn't see off to one side but doesn't matter. I gladly paid the $120.00 to get her out of there. Kat had gotten a warm blanket for 15.00 used at the beginning of the tack. So I put that on her and we got new halters and leads so had some of those. As soon as we had gotten through most of the animals, she got this little burro? donkey? for 45.00. He is a sweetie and so little...Anyway..back to what I need help on. 

With getting Horse Feathers set up I still am waiting on the federal papers although I am registered and certified with the state now as a non-profit horse rescue, I am recognized by the local humane society, etc. Until I get bank accounts set up in the rescue name which we will where Viet works I can't accept checks written out to Horse Feathers Equine Rescue Inc. No way to cash them. I'm working on setting things up with paypal and so on but takes time and I get to type and then go to the barn back n forth so much that its taken me 3 hours to do this email.

I need some help to get the things that she will need. With over $2,000 in vet bills in 6 weeks along with all the care for the two babies I could use a little help with this one. Kat said she will help with the vet bill today but once Doc gets here we will go over the feeding routine and I will add whatever she thinks is best also. This one has bad teeth maybe but she is eating good, she may be close to 20-25 yrs old not sure as one guy said 5-8?. So right now she is on a mash/soup that I make up. Egads I went out there in the dark of this am to make sure she didn't die through the night and when she saw me coming all I could hear was a whisper of a voice trying to nicker at me as she has no voice left from all the starvation. It made me so sad yet I know she as this will to live that is out of this world...Her hind is so sunken in that when she poops the 'turds' for lack of better word get stuck in the pockets instead of dropping to the floor so I have to pick them off her. This weekend it is supposed to get to 90 one day and I will give her a warm bath then. Its just too chilly now and she needs to settle in more. Her legs and even her feet were cold, I mean cold, from lack of body  when at the auction so now she's is bundled up and has warmth under there. If it warms up I will take that off and let her skin breathe some.

Anyway here is what I need. For those who aren't comfortable sending money then please don't hesitate to call Farmers Grain to pay directly. Those who have known me years know I put everything I have into these critters and do without myself..If you care to just mail things from Jeffers, Omaha Vaccine, etc that is fine also (supplements)  A guy at the auction and his wife were talking to me and he is a farrier, he said if I got her then her foot trimming was on him free of charge, he wanted to make sure someone got her and was taking care of her so I will call him today and get him to take care of that. Was pretty nice of him huh? Anyone wanting to help with her vet bill also can call Doc Haury's office. She may need more check ups than the others and she will need her teeth done probably soon. 

I need:
Shavings 20-40 bags--she needswell padded stall and allows for mucking
Grain--possibly senior? will know later, beet pulp, bran for mash, alfalfa cubes, apple flavored electrolytes, weight builder
Sam's Club gift cards for----- corn oil corn oil corn oil.. She is going to need a lot of it. Aloe Vera juice. 
Herbs from Lorhyl

I called Atwoods and Tractor Supply and ya know #1 I'd recommend that no one shop there, we spent nearly 8,000 there in one year and they won't even allow you to have people call for a rescue and donate. They say once its paid for they want it out of the store at that moment. That's sad as neither one will donate to Horse Rescue either. I will say that the Farmers Grain Co-op has gotten all of our business now and will continue to get more. They are caring people who deserve a KUDOS!! for making themselves available and even delivered hay earlier this year when my truck was acting up for $5.00 in gas...So I will be prejudice and send ya'll there.

PO BOX 310

Farmers grain has alfalfa/timothy cubes that I can soak for 12.75 50#
Alfalfa cubes---$9.95 50#
Wheat Bran--$8.35 50#
Beet Pulp 40# bag---$11.50
Senior Patriot---$10.35 50#

Equine Medical Associates
2625 West I-35 Frontage Road, Edmond, OK 73013 

Cheri White Owl
6929 E 15th Street
Edmond, OK 73013
405-315-2928 cell
405-359-5184 barn
405-340-2142 house

Thursday, September 28, 2006

While We Slept...Humanity Died!!!

While We Slept...Humanity Died!!!
By Jennifer Swanson

While many of us slept peacefully in the comforts of our home, with our loved ones safely secured, a truck was heading down Interstate 44 in Franklin County, Missouri. The truck's occupants were there against their will, they were frightened, had been crammed onto this truck inhumanely and quite possibly illegally. Some were babies recently taken from their mothers, some were young healthy boys in the prime of their life, some had just finished working and one was about to give thing they all had in common they were confused and terrified...

Photo :

Horse finally freed from

trailer of truck after suffering for hours, covered in blood

and in need of immediate care

In the dark of night who knows what goes on, who knows what laws are broken, who knows what heinous acts are committed ... most go undetected ... but by accident, not this one. The driver swerved into the median and lost control of his truck; as the tuck overturned throwing its' unsecured and unprotected occupants all over....brutally and carelessly killing could hear the frightened screams. Did this happen to someone you know, a friend or a loved one?... No, it did not because our friends and loved ones have a voice and they can say no I am not going ... no you cannot treat me like this, I have rights and you are breaking them. No, unfortunately the occupants of this truck have no voice, they cannot say no, and although our country may say we protect them and keep them safe ... we have failed them.

The occupants of this truck were horses....all of who at one time thought they were safe and loved... a 7 month old foal, 2 young and beautiful Stallions... a pregnant mare close to giving birth, even a pretty little Buckskin well groomed and in great condition still wearing her auction tag, plus many many more nice healthy horses that were on their way to SLAUGHTER!!!.. 42 horses crammed into a double decker trailer that shouldnot have been holding more than 26... 42 horses that were denied their humane and just rights according to the laws of our country.... 42 horses of which 16 lost their lives on Interstate 44 at 3:30 am because of human greed and blatant disregard for laws and humanity...

There are 26 survivors ranging in age from 7 months to 17 years year sold. Although some may not survive due to the extensive injury. Several of the horses were taken by local vets to their clinics for care. The remainder of the horses are being cared for by Longmeadow Rescue Ranch, a division of the humane society of Missouri. You can make donations and read about updates at What is important to understand this is not an isolated interview.. Just recently a truck heading to slaughter broke down, on that truck were horses heading to slaughter that had obviously been beaten and were bloodied ... The inhumanity of it all is incredible

You may be asking what you can do ... well you can help to insure this does not happen again to the horses inour country by calling your Senators and asking him or her to co sponsor and vote in favor is Bill S1915 that would ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption in our country...

Author Contact:
Jennifer Swanson

Jennifer Swanson
Pure Thoughts
Horse & Foal Rescue

Saving the life of a horse may not change the world...........
........but it will change that horse's world.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Pure ThoughtsFeatured in Palm Beach Post!!

Rescuers sometimes can't work fast enough
Special to Neighborhood Post
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Since founding Pure Thoughts Horse and Foal Rescue three years ago, Jennifer Swanson and Brad Gaver have placed more than 350 horses in permanent homes.
They currently have 24 horses at their farm in Loxahatchee, most of which are ready to be adopted.
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Pure Thoughts started as a rescue service for "Premarin mares." The urine of pregnant mares is used to make Premarin, a hormone replacement drug. Pure Thoughts has expanded its rescue mission to include horses awaiting slaughter for human consumption.
Many of the horses Swanson and Gaver rescue are plucked from pens where they are waiting to be shipped to slaughter.
Many of the horses were once someone's pet - healthy animals that were put up for auction by unsuspecting owners. One of the horses at Pure Thoughts, Howdy Cowboy, came with two pages of handwritten notes and instructions written by a little girl who obviously had no idea that her beloved horse had been bought for slaughter.
Often, racetracks sell horses to slaughter after they have been injured. One of the horses at Pure Thoughts, Affirmed Fever, is the grandson of Affirmed, the last thoroughbred to win the Triple Crown.
Racehorses, even famous ones, are not safe from slaughter. The most famous case was Ferdinand, the 1986 Kentucky Derby winner. He was retired and shipped to Japan to stud. He was unsuccessful in breeding attempts, and was slaughtered and "most likely used for pet food," according to the Humane Society of the United States.
Affirmed Fever came close to the same fate. "He broke down at his last race," Swanson said. "They don't give them time to recuperate. The slaughter truck comes right to the track."
Swanson and Gaver work with a network of rescue organizations and individuals who live near the auction houses. Some work directly with the auction houses to buy back horses. Sometimes, they succeed in getting horses out of the "kill pens" in time.
Other times, their efforts fall short.
Swanson said she once got a call from a fellow rescuer who was worried about a particular horse. "She said, 'There's this pony, I can't stand it! He's just so sad!' He was only $60. I told her to go get him. She ran back and they had just slapped the sticker on him," Swanson recalled.
"What really haunts you are the ones you miss."
The "sticker" is a green U.S. Department of Agriculture sticker. Once that sticker is put on the horse, there is no turning back.
Swanson, Gaver and other horse rescue organizations are in a constant race against time to get as many horses out of harm's way as they can. That race might come to an end with the passage of the Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (H.R. 503.) The U.S. House of Representatives voted 263-146 on Sept. 7 to ban the slaughter of horses for human consumption. The bill has to pass the Senate and be signed into law by the president.
Currently, there are three slaughterhouses in the United States that deal exclusively with horses: Cavel International in DeKalb, Ill., BelTex Corp. in Fort Worth, Texas, and Dallas Crown in Kaufman, Texas.
Every three weeks, Pure Thoughts takes in a new group of rescued horses. Many of them will spend months at the farm recovering from the ordeal. Some have emotional problemsand a tough time trusting people. With time, though, most of them are transformed into great pets by a network of people determined to see them survive.



Wednesday, September 6, 2006

National Call In Day!!!!

If you are like us and cannot be there in Washington to lobby for the Horses, the next best thing is to call in and light up the Capitols Switchboard.
Congress returns from its August recess on Sept. 5. Be there to welcome them back and urge them to take action on several important animal protection issues. The U.S. House of Representatives plans to vote on the <A title= href="" target=_blank rel=nofollow _="">American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act (H.R. 503) in early September. We need to be there to urge them to pass this important piece of animal protection legislation. H.R. 503 would put an end, once and for all, to the slaughter of American horses for human consumption. The legislation enjoys consistently broad and bipartisan support in the House, with 200+ cosponsors.
National Call-In Day for Horses: Sept. 6
9 a.m.รข€“5 p.m.
We need your help to light up the phones on Capitol Hill. Call your U.S. Representative on Wednesday, Sept. 6 and show your support for American horses. Our opponents are vigorously lobbying to keep the horse slaughter industry alive and well. We must send a clear message that Americans do not want our horses butchered and shipped overseas. You can reach your Representative through the Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121 or <A title= href="" target=_blank rel=nofollow _="">click here to look up his or her phone number. All you need to say is:
"I am a constituent and I am calling to ask that the Representative please protect American horses from slaughter and support H.R. 503, the Horse Slaughter Prevention Act. I am very concerned about American horses and I don't want them slaughtered. "

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rhythm Beads For Rescue!!

Rhythm Beads For Horse Rescue!!!!
100 magnify
PASTURE PALS!" RESCUE BEADS! ~ Burgundy, Hunter Green, White & Silver

You might be wondering why this set of beads has been listed as "Rescue Beads" instead of simply Rhythm Beads. Well, let me explain! This very special set of Rhythm Beads is the second offering in a branch of the Rhythm Beads family that is being designated specifically to raise some much needed funds to help those horses who have not been so fortunate and find themselves without a family to love them and see to their basic daily needs. With each set of "PASTURE PALS!" Rescue Beads that is purchased there will be a donation made to a Horse Rescue Organization to help provide support for the many horses who are waiting to be adopted.

This pattern of Rhythm Beads has been named "PASTURE PALS!". The color combination consists of beads in Burgundy, Hunter Green, White and Silver. This color pattern has been chosen by a group of very special people who have united, calling themselves "Pasture Pals" in the hopes of helping horses in need that find themselves lucky enough to be assisted by one of the many wonderful Horse Rescue Organizations! The color combination chosen works together to give a very elegant look that would be very at home on any horse ~ from your backyard buddy to the majestic horses of royalty!

The beads can be strung on leather lacing or weather resistant nylon rope - whichever you prefer. The length of this set of Rescue Rhythm Beads can be ordered in draft, horse, pony, or mini size. (Simply email for custom size.) There are 4 medium sized jingle bells along the sides, as well as one larger jingle bell in the center. You can, of course, dress this very special set of Rescue Rhythm Beads up with any of the available options listed! And a portion of the purchase of any options or accessories that coordinate with your set of PASTURE PALS Rescue Beads will also bring added donation funds to the Horse Rescue Organizations!
You should always connect the Rhythm Beads to your horse's mane with the attached clip to keep the beads from slipping down if your horse should lower his head for a drink or snack.



Sterling Silver Farm Equine Rescue Update

Hello Everyone,
 I wanted to let you know what has been happening here at the rescue. We rescued a 19 year old purebred Arabian mare named Karmia from going to slaughter. She is a very sweet horse and up for adoption.
We also just adopted out to a good home a miniature horse named Pony that I was told was 45 years old. She is doing very well in her new home.
We are taking in 2 new rescues, one is a 4 year old Shire (largest breed of horse in the world) with a condition in his back legs called "Shivers" and an 18 month old quarter horse filly with "stifle joint cysts " in both back legs.
 Kiss, the 5 year old thoroughbred that fell through the floor of a horse trailer and went untreated by her former owners, is doing very well and will be up for adoption as soon as she is completely healed.
We found Elliot, the saddlebred with "white line disease" in his back feet, was picked up by his new owners, a farrier and his wife. Perfect home for him, where he can recieve constant hoof care.
 We are still working on our pasture projects, clearing and fencing new areas here. At this point we need to build 3 run-in sheds to keep the horses out of the sun and rain. We have estimated that the materals for a 12x12 run-in sheds should cost us approx. $215 each with us and volunteers donating the labor.
 Would you like to help? Would you like to make a donation towards the run-in sheds? If so you can click here
Any amount would be wonderful and you would be helping us to make a safe haven for these rescued horses that deserve so much more than they have recieved in the past.
If you would like to donate the whole $215, enough for a complete run-in shed , you can name that run-in shed! Name it after yourself or in honor of a loved one whether that be human or animal.
 I just want to say "Thank You" for all the help and support we have recieved. Sincerely, Lisa 


Friday, March 24, 2006

Rescue Horse Drops Foal

Roanie one of the mares saved from killbuyers at a Wisconsin Auction dropped her foal tonght! It was a filly. She is the second to have her foal this week. Zana, also a horse placed through Pure Thoughts Horse and Foal Rescue, dropped her foal earlier this week. I will add more pictures soon! Here is a first look at Zana and her new foal.

Huge Thanks to Horse Angel Cheryl Boggs who alerted the rescues that the horses were in danger!

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

BLM Attack ON Wild Horses

This is a Crosspost from AC4H about The BLM and the $10 Wild Horses! Written by Angie Meade

Bureau of Land Management has Campaign to Eradicate Wild Horses

February 27, 2006

Dear Equine Friends:

The Bureau of Land Management continues the campaign to rid this country of
its equine treasures.  A recent press release by the National Cattlemen's
Beef Association (NCBA) touts an agreement with the BLM and Public Lands
Council (PLC) in which cattle ranchers currently holding federal grazing
permits will be allowed to buy an unlimited number of wild horses for as
little at $10 each.  The BLM will be handing over thousands of wild horses
to the individuals fighting to keep horse slaughter alive!

This may be the final blow to the future of the wild horses throughout our
western public lands. The people need stand up and demand change!

This latest endeavor, is the worst period suffered by wild horses since the
enactment of the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act in 1971- The 1971
Act  was implemented specifically to protect wild horses from wholesale
extermination efforts by the BLM and ranchers grazing their private
livestock on public lands.  In an effort to grab total control over  public
lands, the BLM and ranchers orchestrated massive round-ups of  wild horses
who were subsequently sent to slaughter.  Sadly, the  BLM was given the job
of protecting the very animals they had worked so hard to remove for so many

Today, the same parties are again working to remove wild horses from our
public lands.  Unless action is taken immediately, the fate of these
majestic wild horses will be the same as it was in 1971 ­ slaughter.  To
make matters worse, not only are  wild horses being removed from public
lands to placate the demands of ranchers, but according to a recent study by
the Government Accounting Office, public lands grazing by these same
ranchers are costing tax  payers over $300 million each year.  Amazingly,
less than 3 percent  of all beef produced in the United States comes from
public lands ­ hardly justification for such an enormous taxpayer
contribution and one that is sealing the fate of our nation¹s wild herds.

What you can do:

The only thing that saved wild horses from extinction back in the 70's was
public outrage  and demand for action.  We must again demand the protection
of wild horses before it is too late.  Please contact these individuals to
stop this disaster from happening!

1)     The Honorable Gale A. Norton
          Secretary of the Interior
         US  Department of the Interior
         1849  C Street N.W.
          Washington, DC 20240

2)    Director Kathleen  Clarke
          Bureau of Land Management
         US  Department of the Interior
         1849  C Street N.W.
          Washington, DC 20240

3)    Please write your Senators and Representative, urging them to swiftly
enact the American  Horse Slaughter Prevention Act! (H.R. 503/S. 1915).  By
banning  horse slaughter, BLM won't be able to dump wild horses, ranchers
will not have an incentive to buy them and they will not be sent to

To find your member of  Congress click here:

Thank you very much for your help!

Thank Again,

Angie Meade
Press, Media & Publicity Manager
American Horse Defense Fund

Monday, January 16, 2006

Nurse Mare Foal Season

The Holiday Season is behind us and now an even more time consuming, exhausting season is upon us. Nurse Mares have started to drop their foals and have begun their work as new mommies to overly expensive Sport Horse Foals. Now is the time that the few rescues who have the means and knowledge move in and save as many of the orphan foals that. time and fundraising will allow. In years passed this would be the end for the abandoned grade and cross foals. Well a New Year has dawned and the end is not as bleak as it once was for these tiny orphans.

Nurse Mares have been used for centuries by farmers and horse breeders' when a mare would go down or was to sick to nurse her new foal. Over the last 100 years that practice has been taken to an extreme. Breeders' now take healthy mares away from their new foals to put them back in the ring, on the track, or even back in foal. To meet this demand Nurse Mare Farms have popped up all over the country producing a new crop of Nurse Mares every year. These farms breed their mares to coincide foaling times with the Sport Horse Industry. Between now and April and sometimes early May mares are supplied to breeding farms. The dirty little secret about this relatively new industry is what is done with the newly abandoned foals.

This is where is gets a little shady, and sometimes it takes people a few minutes to think about it and have their Light Bulb Moment. Then it dawns on them 'What happens to the Nurse Mare Foals?`. Over the years it has been reported or alleged that some of these foals are left in sheds and dark barns at the back of these farms to die, or wait to be killed. Some reports have stated these foals have been sold to kill buyers, who fatten them up and take them to Texas or Illinois. Either way these poor little babies who never asked to be brought in to this world were used to make money for Man and then discarded like yesterday's trash.

These Orphan Foals never even had a chance at a life, never get to run and frolic in a pasture. They were never able to learn new things. These tiny little foals never got to quiver their little noses at a flower or run from the barn cat terrified of the terrible creature who is stalking him. These foals never experienced a cool bath on a hot summer day or a warm blanket and a treat of warm mash on the coldest day of the year. An Orphan Foal never knew the security of his mother or a chance to learn how to be a horse from her. He was all on his own, cold, lonely, and very scared.

I can imagine the seen in my head. A new foal born to a beautiful mare, just dry and warm after being nuzzled and licked by their Mama. Maybe it is the next day, a breeder calls and sets the ball in motion. Next thing the foal knows, a strange looking creature who walks only on his back legs enters his new strange world, and puts what looks like a long snake on his Mama's head. The strange creature moves through the opening with his Mama following. He hurries to follow behind, terrified he will be left alone! Only to have his little body pushed back into the stall and the door slammed in his face. He whinnies and cries for his Mama. He paces his stall on tiny little hooves. He even tries to pier over the stall door to see where his Mama is going. Struggling to use his already tired little legs he tumbles over and lays in the mounds of straw.

Hours later the same strange looking two legged creature returns and tries to put the snake over his tiny little head. the foal leaps and cries, terrified of the whole experience. Rough hands keep him in place and there is nothing the tiny foal can do...........

This is where the story's ending has begun to change over the few years. Horse Lovers have taken it upon themselves to save these tiny little "by-products" of the Sport Horse Industry. Rescues like Last Chance Corral (  ) Freedom Hill Rescue ( )
and Casey Creek Horse Rescue ( ) have developed relationships with the Nurse Mare Farms and are allowed to make first purchases on these foals. These brand new babies are bought for anywhere from $150 to $400 by the rescues. They bring the babies back to their rescues where they are taught how to eat mare's milk replacer from buckets and given as much attention that is possible. Many are housed two or more to a stall so they have companionship and learn how to be horsey together.

Unfortunately time  and space is limited so the foals need to be moved quickly to more permanent homes. Though most rescues will not allow a foal to be transported for at east 6 days after arriving at their facility, to minimize the stress on their little bodies. Anyone who has the time and means can adopt an Orphan Foal, I urge those who can to take on the challenge.


These two are  examples of orphan foals who were given a second chance. They were placed through Casey Creek Horse Rescue. They are owned by Terri Kieffer, their names are Bonnie and Clyde and about 8 months old in this wonderful photo!

The myth that Orphan Foals are forever special needs, sickly, prone to disease is simply not true. Over the last year I have witnessed the joy of fellow rescuers who have been able to adopt one of these tiny babies. I hope to one day experience this joy for myself.

One last note, for those who say they want the experience of raising a baby so they decide to backyard breed, this is an amazing alternative! Plus you don't have to wait 11 months to see what you get! You can go pick out what you want at the rescues! Please contact one of the rescues in your area that may have these precious bundles of Horsey Joy and begin your adventure with an Orphan Foal.