Saturday, September 30, 2006

Update From Rt on Emaciated Mare

Entry for September 29, 2006


Well, that is what I decided to name here. I was layin in the isle of 
the barn on a cot and was thinking of my gramma Madeline White Owl 
and it hit me to call her Maddie. I think in some way gramma was in 
there with me in that barn. So Maddie it is..

I. bare with me, am about to burst into tears again. Gawd its been 
hard to stay collected all evening. First off I had the local humane 
officer come out and see her himself, legal issues aside as right now 
until I get wild hair up my arse that can sit till I get her health 
under control. Then I can go on a hunt...:D *cheezy grin* He has seen 
her and from look on his face that told me more than a 2 hour 
conversation could. So this way if someone calls about her then they 
know exactly what is going on. He said he would tell them if they do 
call "keep on driving or stop and volunteer or make a donation, 
click". He took a tour of the place and saw all the animals that we 
have here and commented on what good shape they are in, saw the 
babies and was glad that we are here and would 'highly recommend' us 
to anyone. So he will try to get the word out that we need help too. 
They are mostly small animal place.

This am Janet came over and helped me rake the pasture and clean up 
some around the barn area. I had called the vet early this am, Doc 
Haury was out of town but Doc McFarland was waiting on a horse that 
they might have to rush to emergency surgery for colic. They wound up 
taking the horse in and she didn't make it out till this afternoon. 
By then I felt like I had done ten rounds with a bull in a 10x10 pen. 
# hours sleep does nothing for trying to deal with all the things you 
have to esp emotional ones. With all the little things in between 
done I decided while waiting on Doc that I'd pull out the cot that I 
had and lay on it in the isle of the barn. Nice time to grab 30 min 
cat nap? I laid by her stall and she was looking through the rails at 
me. She walked two circles and laid down too right by the wall. I got 
up and went into her stall and sat down by her head and she flopped 
over and laid her head in my lap. I sat there looking at her eyes 
through her fly mask. I almost panic'd as I thought perhaps this was 
it..She was saying its time to go. Then as I watched her I saw this 
look like--sigh, I'm home...She just lay there content. She would 
raise up and sit a minute then poof lay back down with her head in my 
lap while I leaned on the wall dozing off and on..That is when I lost 
it..The tears all evening are hard to stop. That look and that sigh 
of contentment...

Anyway before I turn into sobbing mess and Viet has to pick me up off 
the floor. She is about 20 years old. Has hardly any teeth left and 
the ones she does have edges on them so Doc Haury will have to do 
them when she is on better track. For now its mash and she does eat 
hay pretty well. She has hard time going bathroom since the things it 
comes out of are so sunken in...I feel bad for her...I had the stall 
door open with the vet here and she wandered up the isle in her fly 
sheet stopped at the stall I keep hay in got a bite, then wandered 
through the feed room, then out the side door into the pen, then back 
in feed room and tried to go in my office following the vet to her 
truck...LOL. I had to stop her. We gave her B Complex IV, B12 shot 
and anabolic? steroid shot. I had her pull a CBC and do fecal. I'll 
get those tests on Monday unless she has them tomorrow.

Anyway I will get to everyones mails tomorrow and answer more things 
about Maddie when I've had some sleep. Its going on midnight now and 
Im ready to hit the floor..

Nite all


Viet is going to help me take more pics tomorrow with better body shots

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